Nanaimo-Info-blog: Civic Elections Not Needed

Civic Elections Not Needed

No Need To Waste Money On Civic ElectionsStrategic Plans & Surveys Have Replaced Them
Much ‘news’ has come from city hall of late and heralded in the local press about how satisfied residents are with local government, and just how we should be managing the city going forward thanks to our strategic plan.

Both of these exercises involved a handful of residents, 300 in the case of the survey and about 500 in the case of the strategic plan, yet they are being considered a bellwether of how the majority of Nanaimo sees the role government has played and should play in the management of our fair city. No suggestions for improvement whatsoever and already council and city staff are using the strategic plan to support their ideas of how tax dollars should be spent.

No More Need For Elections

Since the opinion of these few hundred seems adequate enough to conclude the city should maintain the status quo why not simply send them via email a list of candidates in the next election and let them choose city council next time. Look at all the money we would save!

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