Nanaimo-Info-blog: City Pays Company To Take Annex Off Our Hands

City Pays Company To Take Annex Off Our Hands

Another Example Of ‘Asset Mismanagement’City Pays Company $39,999.00 To Take Building!
Another example of how bad policy makes for bad decisions is included in next Monday’s city council agenda.

Readers of this blog will know that a few years ago city staff and city council set in motion a series of events that when finished will have cost the Nanaimo taxpayer nearly $20,000,000.00.

This whole course of events hinges upon the possibility that a seismic event could damage the old city hall annex. An event that cannot be predicted with any degree of accuracy and in my opinion was only applied to this building because staff wanted a new office.

By adding a condition of sale to the old annex that is not required by current building codes the city has rendered this city asset of no value whatsoever.

If you are looking for ANY logic behind this seismic upgrade boondoggle that was applied to this perfectly useful building, you won’t find it at city hall. Remember they also built that shiny new $12,000,000.00 annex without going to tender, and without explanation why they did not accept an offer to build a new building for $9,000,000.00.

Oh well, it is only YOUR tax dollars they keep throwing away, and within the next few years most of them can retire with full pensions, leaving someone else to try and clean up what they are leaving behind.

Only In NanaimoYou Just Can’t Make This Stuff Up!

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