nanaimo-info-Blog: Are Nanaimo Gas Retailers The Problem?

Are Nanaimo Gas Retailers The Problem?

Prices Unchanged All Month
This holiday weekend we took a trip down through Duncan and once again were able to enjoy saving 9 cents per litre by purchasing gasoline for 120.9 per litre which was the price in effect at the first of August as well. For that matter you don’t have to go far south to begin to see the price drop, with the station by the airport pumping for 121.9 I believe.

Prices in Comox were up one cent per litre from the price at the first of the month while Nanaimo prices have been holding steady at 9 cents per litre higher than either Comox or Duncan.

Are Nanaimo Retailers Gouging Nanaimo Drivers?
While I have no love for big oil and their ability to control prices, I am beginning to wonder if it is not the local gasoline retailers that are the greedy ones in this case. Retailers in Comox and Duncan must be paying the same wholesale price as Nanaimo gas merchants, and they seem happy with the profits they are making at nearly 10 cents a litre less than their Nanaimo counterparts. For those of us who can still relate to gas in gallons, that is a price difference of forty cents per gallon!

Perhaps it’s time to find out if there is any real competition in Nanaimo among local merchants, or if they have their own little price fixing scheme in play here.

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