Nanaimo-Info-blog: Complete Burning Ban In Nanaimo

Complete Burning Ban In Nanaimo

Effective immediately Nanaimo Fire Rescue is implementing a complete burning ban. This includes the use of open fires for cooking, warmth and ceremonial purposes. Fires contained in appliances using gas, propane or briquettes are still permitted. This burning ban is in effect to reduce the risk of human-caused fires during this period of increased fire danger. The burning ban will remain in effect until there is a significant change in weather conditions.
Please note this burning ban does include campfires in privately owned and commercial campgrounds.
Nanaimo Fire Rescue would like to remind the public that early detection is always an important factor in reducing the risk of fire. The earlier a fire is detected and reported, the faster fire crews can control and suppress the fire.
With these types of weather conditions, we are continuously responding to small accidental fires in planters and grassy areas. The majority of these fires are caused from carelessly discarded cigarettes. Please be careful when discarding your cigarettes and smoking material.
If you see smoke or signs of fire, please don’t hesitate to call 9-1-1 or the Nanaimo Fire Rescue non-emergency line at 753-7311.

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