Nanaimo-Info-blog: Deer/Car Conflict Not New

Deer/Car Conflict Not New

20 Human Casualties Since 2005
An article in Saturday’s News Bulletin, by staff writer Toby Gorman reports ICBC statistics which show the human cost of conflicts with the local urban deer population dating back to 2005.
For the years 2005, 2006, 2008 and 2009 there were a total of 20 human casualties resulting from vehicle collisions involving deer. The year 2007 was free of any report of injuries. The report from ICBC did not state how many, if any of these casualties resulted in fatalities. The article also did not give any statistics involving just property damage resulting from deer collisions.
The statistic surely underscores the need for local and provincial officials to do something about the problem with more than the ‘glacial speed’ that governments usually move.

There are simply too many deer in the city. They need to either be rounded up and moved, or they need to be culled by professional hunters. It should not take endless months and years of navel gazing to resolve the problem. It has been ignored by the politico’s for long enough.

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