Nanaimo-Info-blog: Peter McKay Can Collect $128,832 Pension at 55

Peter McKay Can Collect $128,832 Pension at 55

There are Politicians and Public Servants – and all the rest of us!

This Huffpost article reports that Peter McKay will qualify for a full pension when he turns 55 allowing him to collect nearly $129,000 annually.

The article points out that as an MP he is earning $167,400 when combined with his $80,100 top-up as a cabinet minister his total income is $247,500 annually.

Some Nanaimo Senior Staff Earn More Than Federal MPs

According to the recently release SOFI reports we have several city hall staffers who are earning more than a Federal MP and several deserving of honorable mention. Of note, is the fact that these figures are based on last year’s income which of course is at least 2% higher this year.

Ted Swabey $231,356
Tom Hickey $190,289
Ian Howat $189,486
Toby Seward $161,050
Terry Hartley $154,791
Brian Clemens $152,176
Richard Harding $151,601
Craig Richardson $141,054
Dale Lindsay $138,530
Guillermo Ferrero $136,872
Bob Prokopenko $132,950
Suzanne Samborski $132,765
Stuart Harrison $132,617
Martin Drakeley $131,816

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