Nanaimo-Info-blog: Congratulations To City Council

Congratulations To City Council

Overturns Committee RecommendationSaves Taxpayers $3600Councilor Brennan Opposed
Anyone reading this website will know I seldom find examples of fiscal prudence on the part of city council who seem to act as if how much they can spend shows how important they are.

That said, at the last City Council meeting they took the recommendation of city manager Al Kenning which saw a reduction in spending of $3600 from what the Social Planning Advisory Committee was recommending.

In a move that defies logic the SPAC recommended giving out grants which EXCEEDED the applicants request! The John Howard Society was asking for $2,000 and SPAC recommended $3,600, Independent Living requested $4,350 and SPAC recommended $5,350 and finally Tillicum Lelum was looking for $3,500 and SPAC recommended $4,500. The total number of YOUR tax dollars this committee was wanting to give away was $3,600 MORE than what was being asked for.

Councilor Brennan Supported Spending $3,600 More Than Asked For

It is noteworthy that Councilor Diane Brennan was the lone councilor who was opposed to the city managers recommendation to reduce the grants, meaning she alone supported spending $3,600 more than the applicants were asking for.

I am waiting for a reply from city hall as to who sits on this committee which seems hell bent on shoveling YOUR tax dollars out at a rate exceeding what is being asked for. When that information is available I will add it to this article. It will be interesting to see if these groups up their requests next round, as they clearly have been sent a message by this committee.

The message of course being that this committee with the support of Councilor Brennan can be quite generous with how they allocate tax dollars.

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